Investing in Kazakhstan ADRs / Kazakhstan Stocks List

Aside from any London listed GDRs that might trade on the OTC, retail brokerage and investment bank Freedom Holding Corp (NASDAQ: FRHC), who operates in Central Asia and Europe, plus shell company Oxus Acquisition Corp (NASDAQ: OXUS) are the main Kazakhstan ADRs available to American investors. In addition, Kazakhtelekom AO (OTCMKTS: KZHXY), is the largest telecommunication company in Kazakhstan, but it trades on the OTC Grey market.

Its worth mentioning that Kazakhstan is the largest and strongest performing economy in Central Asia thanks to oil and gas. The country also has abundant mineral resources – making it a potentially attractive investment choice for adventurous frontier market investors.

Investors interested in investing in Central Asia ADRs should also check out our Central Asia ETF list page.

List of Kazakhstan ADRs Trading on Major US Stock Exchanges & the Over-the-Counter (OTC) Exchange

1Freedom Holding CorpFRHCNASDAQFinancial Services
2Kazakhtelecom JSCKZHXYOTCGreyTelecommunications
3Oxus Acquisition CorpOXUSNASDAQShell Company

* provides useful information that should not constitute investment advice or a recommendation to invest. In addition, your use of any content is entirely at your own risk and it is your sole responsibility to evaluate the accuracy, completeness and usefulness of the content. Read More

Note: If there are any ADRs to add or remove from this list or there are bad links, please write a note in the comments section so it can be fixed. Likewise, adding any other comments or advice would also be appreciated.

The Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE)

The Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE) was formed in 1993 as a currency exchange with the trading of government securities, futures contracts and finally equities beginning in subsequent years.

Kazakhstan Stocks and Investing ResourcesKazakhstan ADRs

Here are some useful and mostly English news resources for investing in Kazakhstan ADRs or stocks or about Kazakhstan in general:

For additional resources for investing in Kazakhstan ADRs or stocks, check out all of our Kazakhstan tagged articles/links.

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