Investors Look to Emerging Markets as Planets Align For End of U.S. Dollar Bull Market (The Globe & Mail) by
The New Frontier in Fixed Income: Short-term, Diversified Exposure to Emerging Market Bonds (FTSE Russell) by
Asia’s Ticking Debt Bomb: Sri Lanka Crisis Sounds Alarm Bells Across Region (Nikkei Asia via Sri Lanka Brief) by
Discern and Diversify: Asian Bonds Increasingly Sought for Better Diversification (Eastspring Investments) by
Fixed Income Asset Allocation Insights: Emerging Market Debt Looks Attractive Amid Recovery (PineBridge Investments) by
Emerging Market Debt: A Wider Range of Opportunities, and Challenges, in 2021 (Franklin Templeton) by
Five Years on From the Taper Tantrum, Emerging Market Debt Shows Improved Resilience (Aviva Investors) by
Why Fixed Income Investors Should Consider a Dedicated Allocation to Emerging Market Debt (PineBridge Investments) by
Franklin Templeton’s $7.6bn Bond Bet on the Ukraine is 6X Bigger Than its Russian Bond Holdings (EM) by