Oleg Savelev, the Russian minister responsible for the Crimea, is promising investors willing to inject money into the region will receive “considerable support” from the Russian government. Besides Russian and Ukrainian investment, Savelev is hoping to attract investment dollars from China, India, Korea and South East Asia to the region.
“I especially look forward to Singapore, because most of the problems faced by Singapore, including water supply and development of the territory, they are very similar to what we have in the Crimea,”
As for European investors, Savelev commented:
“I am confident that it will take time and these investors will break again in the Crimea.”
The original article,
Правительство России обещает поддержку первым крымским инвесторам
(обновлено: )1509183
Russian government promises to support the first Crimean investors
Can be translated into comprehend-able English if you are using Google Chrome…
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