Reuters has a more detailed article with statistics on Swiss franc exposure in Central and Eastern Europe lending but here are the hard numbers from their analysis that you need to be aware of:
29.5 billion euros for households and businesses.
Just under 10% of Croatian banks’ total loan portfolio of 275.9 billion kuna (35.9 bln euros) with 21.9 billion kuna being retail loans.
1.03 billion crowns ($42 million) or 0.019% of the sector’s total balance sheet.
540 billion forints (1.7 billion euros) worth of other, mostly Swiss franc-denominated loans (and mostly car purchase loans) plus total corporate Swiss franc debt exposure could be around 2 billion-4 billion euros.
131 billion zlotys (30.42 billion euros) out of a total credit portfolio of 895 billion zlotys.
Up to 6% to 8% of total loans.
Borrowing in euros accounted for 284.5 billion dinars and borrowing in Swiss francs accounted for 23.5 billion dinars plus Euros accounted for 67% of total deposits in banks followed by dinar deposits on 27%.
To read the whole article, Factbox: CEE exposure to Swiss franc lending, go to the website of Reuters. In addition, check out our list of Eastern Europe ADRs here and Eastern Europe closed-end funds here.
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