Bloomberg’s Misery Index, which combines countries’ 2017 inflation and unemployment outlooks, ranks Venezuela number one for the third year in a row followed by a number of usual and mostly emerging market suspects: South Africa, Argentina, Greece, Turkey, Spain, the Ukraine, Serbia, Brazil and Uruguay.
Other noteworthy emerging market moves toward being more miserable included:
- Poland, which experienced the biggest negative move in the rankings, came in at No. 28 among this year’s 65 economies, from a rank of 45 last year. Though it’s seen a steady decline in its unemployment rate since the financial crisis, inflation rose to 1.8% in January after Poland’s longest period of deflation on record. Similar price increases were seen in Romania, Estonia, Latvia and Slovakia which drove large jumps in those countries’ Misery Index rankings.
- Misery also deepened in Mexico. After finishing 2016 at No. 38, it’s slated to rise to 31st place as inflation balloons to a forecast of 5% in 2017 from an average 2.8% last year. A combination of the end of government fuel subsidies and the peso’s 11% decline against the dollar since Trump’s election is pressuring prices.
To read the whole article, These Economies Are Getting More Miserable This Year, go to the website of Bloomberg.
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