Fragility Index: The World is More Stable Than the News Suggests (Economist)

The world may seem to be in chaos if you listen to the media, but the new global fragility index by the Fund for Peace (FfP) suggests that, overall, fragility did not increase – albeit it increased in some unexpected places last year. To calculate the fragility index, researchers first scoured 40m-50m English-language articles from 10,000 sources to find evidence of fragility, from landslides to displaced people. They then used quantitative data from multilateral organisations such as the World Bank and the IMF. Finally, they sense-checked the result to ensure that each country’s score aligns with expectations. In all, 100 measures were blended into 12 indicators of fragility, from “group grievances” to the quality of public services.

The results: - Fragile States - Fragile States Index Percent Change - Fragile States By RegionTo read the whole article, The world is more stable than the news suggests, go to the website of the Economist.

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